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  1. Hi Paul, Just wanted to let you know that they do request for an in effect visa for onshore sponsors as well-Not sure why as I missed the phone call from DFAT. A direct 100 subclass visa was granted today and wait time was approximately 4 months.
  2. Oh well, we ended up paying for her 155 renewal and it was granted immediately. He did come to Aus to visit us a few months ago but I don't think that would make any difference. Anyhow, nothing else we can do now other than waiting! Thanks for your input anyway Paul!
  3. Hi Paul, Thank you for your reply. She is onshore at the moment but my dad is offshore at the moment. He did get RFI a few days after lodging and he was confused why the high commission was ringing him-All good if everything is legitimate then!
  4. Hi, My mum who is the holder of a 143 visa has recently sponsored my dad for a 309/100 visa. He had a phone call this afternoon and said that my mum needed to apply for a 155 visa as her 143 had expired for the visa to be granted. He also received an email from an email address with a @dfat.gov.au domain with a link to the 155 visa application. I then proceeded to log onto my dad's immi account but there was no correspondence from anyone but my mum's sponsorship seemed to have been approved. As such, I was wondering if anyone could advise on whether a sponsor needs a current visa visa for a 100 visa to be granted. Any input would be much appreciated. Thank you!
  5. Hi, My mum had her 143 visa granted in Jan 2017 and is looking into sponsoring my dad as a spouse to coming to Australia permanently. I was hoping that anyone on this forum would be able to help us. As such, I have the following questions listed below. 1)In her 143 application, we made the mistake of saying we were unable to financially afford my dad's visa and hence left him out as a non-migrating spouse. He was still relatively young back then and wanted to continue to work. However, with age catching up and border restrictions, he would like to be reunited with us. Will the statement of not being able to financially afford in her original application be detrimental in anyway to his visa application? As such, would she be able to sponsor him as spouse? 2)In the department of immigration's website, there was 3 limitations that were listed by the department on 143 visa holders when it came to sponsoring a spouse. Not being able to sponsor a spouse if CPV was granted after 30/6/2009 the applicant was your spouse or de facto partner before we granted you that visa, and It has been since less than 5 years since the grant of visa. As such, I was hoping if someone would be able to shed light on whether she is eligible to be a sponsor since is approaching the end of her initial 5 years as a PR. 3)Her visa was granted in Jan 2017 but didn't make her initial entry until Feb 2017. However, she was here on an electronic travel authority prior to that. If eligible, should the application begin in Jan or Feb 2022? 4)My dad would ideally make an onshore application but would have to return back to finish up his work before he retires. Is there a timeline/time frame on how long a bridging visa B can be granted for? Any input would be much appreciated.
  6. Hi guys, My mum is the holder of a 143 visa of which I was the sponsor. My dad is not. We did not apply the visa for him at the time of application because 1)he was not yet keen to come to Australia and 2)we did not have enough money. From what I understand, the holder of a 143 visa is not allowed to sponsor anyone until 5 years from approval of the visa. My dad however, is ready to retire and come to Australia. The problem we have at the moment is that her 5 years residency does not finish until Feb 2022. This, my mum and dad feels is too long. As such, I was thinking of applying the 870 (3 year parent visa) for him until the time comes for him to apply the 309/100 spouse visa. My question then is will such a visa strategy pose a problem? Does it seem dodgy to go down from a parent visa then to a spouse visa? Also, given that they have been married for 40 years, will the 309/100 visa be approved in a short period of time once she's approved to be a sponsor? I thought I have read somewhere that long term partners are processed fairly quickly. Any input will be much appreciated!
  7. Hi guys, just wanted to say that my mum's visa was granted on 19/1. She'd applied on 9/7/14. Just a note re centrelink. They gave me a number in Sydney/Canberra (Area code 02) for the phone interview. I only rang that number whenever I had to deal with Centrelink. Got through everytime in less than 1 minute.
  8. Hi Fisher1, I had a look in the letter DIMMI sent and there's no Billercode? I'm guessing they've probably changed that?
  9. Hi guys, My mum's received the email from IMMI asking for the 2nd VAC. It says that I can either choose to pay it by bank cheque or Credit Card. I was wondering though if it is possible to pay by BPAY. IMMI's website said that other options were available. I'm guessing these other options only apply to other visa subclasses? The only reason I'm asking is because I prefer to BPAY rather than sending a cheque in the mail!
  10. Hi guys, Centrelink said they would send it off to department of immigration for me. I did however receive a copy of it in my centrelink account. I sent a copy of it to department of immigration just in case.
  11. Hi guys, Just wanted to let you know that I've lodged the bond with commonwealth bank and it's not really possible to waive the establishment fee. However, there was also a fee that you get charged every 6 months or so of 1.65%?? I didn't know about that! Also, I'm not sure if it's possible but ask for a centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) and you can upload all the documents with the centrelink App. Makes life much easier so you don't have to go into the centrelink office and be treated like a criminal.
  12. Hi Juliew1499, I agree with you. How hard can it be to look at a few pieces of paper and approve my application? I deal with Medicare on a professional level quite often and the amount of mistakes they make and the people they hire to answer the phone is a joke at best
  13. Hi Bear2015, My mum lodged on 9/7/2014. Documents were requested on 20/10/16. Centrelink AOS submitted on 24/10/16. Centrelink's a pain in the bum to deal with..Never expected them to be this slow.
  14. Hi guys, Sorry, I've got one more question. It says on the centrelink letter that I have to go back to the centrelink office to submit all the paperwork from the bank. Can I do that via the centrelink app? Sorry, just trying to avoid going back to centrelink as I work full time. Yes @Fisher1, centrelink staff seem to be a bit of a hit and miss. Some are helpful while some others aren't
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